

The spell causes the user or object to disappear with out trace of them ever being their in the first place.

Side/Secondary Effects

Though the object in question is not seen it is still in the place that the spell was casted. It will also can also be touched by of the objects and make noise is make contact with anything. Objects that are picked up by a invisible individual will look like they are moving by themselves.


You will not be able to see the object and those who are turned invisible will often feel cold do to not being able to feel heat.


It often requires shadows to hide the object in question.


The purpose of the spell is simple, to hide things. Which it is why those who practiced shadow magic used to it to hide things of value or often the castor themselves as they were being hunted due to practicing dark magic. Which has made it difficult for them for anyone to actually find them at times.
Gestures & Ritual
Often involves a incantation with the object's name in it to make is disappear.
Related Discipline
Shadow Casters
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
2 hours
Effect Casting Time
20 seconds
20 ft
Applied Restriction
Their must be a form of shadow in the area for it to work.


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