Electric Channelers

You must understand that electricity is the future of the world, the Dwarves have already master it, now it’s oir turn to do so ourselves. - Electrical Alchemist
  Electric Channelers have become a monumental part in the industrialization of certain parts of the world as they help keep factories running as the collect electricity to power them. They are often seen everywhere there is a factory or some other device that needs it. Using special containers to capture and store it for further use. Allowing to keep running as long as electric keeps hitting them.


They are left on top of tall buildings and towers so that when storms come lightning will strike them. Other way such as magic and using magic can be used to create electricity, but are less effective. This of course can be abused of course as electromancers have used them to increase their power and in some other cases they have been weaponized to shot lightning at a target even though its uncontrollable.


The devices are simple really, you just need a metal rod with some metal wiring to catch the electricity. The containment vessel is a little more complex as it has to keep the electricity sustained for long periods of time and ensure that durable so it does not explode.
Marcus Ester was the first to create the channelers to test his theory on lightning and electricity being as being one in the same and being able to harness that power.
Access & Availability
They are only accessible with required paperwork and a permit for use by those who need them such as factories and laboratories.
The Channelers are designed to collect electricity, with it's main source being lightning and being stored in to a special container to be used for later use. The calibrations and the necessary components must be just right or it will not work, or it may even explode causing all the electricity to go wild and hit anything it touches.
The idea was be able to collect electricity in order to power Spark Stones and other devices


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Jul 28, 2020 19:42

Hi there,   I am keeping a list of articles that I really liked during summer camp, and I would like to include your article in it. I have left the link below. If you rather me not list your article as one of my favourites for whichever reason, just let me know and I'll remove the link.

Week 4 of 2020 Summer Camp
Generic article | Aug 1, 2020

A round-up of all of the articles that inspired me during the fourth week of Summer Camp 2020

Jul 28, 2020 20:24 Private

I feel honored that you choose to pick my article thank you

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