

Most of the settlement is made up of hunters and fishermen that make their day surviving with a few of them being raiders. With very few jobs due to their lack of resources.


The settlement lead by several chieftains the form a city council that take care of city city and the surrounding building outside.


The city is protect by a large stone wall With some of the walls crumbling and so backed with snow and would turn to solid ice. A raise bridge is the only thing the allows anyone to enter the city.

Industry & Trade

The main industry is based on fishing since their are so many that it could feed many people, put the real money is in the fur trade as many want more luxury fur rather then plan old dull ones.


The only thing they managed to build is a harbor for their ships as they lack resources to build anything else.


Since the city was originally a stronghold it has a large amount of weapon and tools to protect and maintain the city some of which are rare to find in Norria.


The city was originally a stronghold to the Warlock Lords during their height of power and was used to deploy troops in the far north Incase of a rebellion taking place in the region. But after they fell, those who were loyal to them fled the mainland and travel to the stronghold and became exiles along with their descendents. The stronghold would slowly be converted into a city to harbor the ever growing numbers of inhabitants. It name Grogenheim would remain since it mean’t land of ice which as pretty much true. The city would remain isolated as the descendants of those who were loyal to the Warlock Lords were not welcomed on the mainland and their they would remain for three hundred years. It is considered the first city to ever be created in Norria and currently is one of the most advances in the land. Most would believe that the inhabitants would be stuck like this for all entirety never to walk on earth ever. Until one day, Darius Harkon sailed into the harbor and offered them pardons and would be allowed to return to the mainland when he became king of Norria in exchange for their weapons and ships, since much of them were stockpiled during to help him win the Unification War. At first they were cautious as they were no trusting of outsiders. But many wished to leave the crowed city see the world so a deal was struck. After the war was one Darius kept his word and many would leave the city but many would still remain and began trading around the continent, with many making great profits through the fish and fur trade. The city is fully loyal to Darius for it has begun great change for the city and continent as a whole. But there are still many obstacles if they are going to be able to excepted by the continent.


Much of settlement is made of stone the make the city, but outside they are made of wood and ice. Most of color of the buildings have dulled as well due to a lack dyes and paints. Most of the older designs also are passed off the Warlock Lords, but are defaced due to hatred over them since they are responsible for have them stuck in isolation in the first place.


It is consider to be the farthest settlement to ever be built in the far north and build in the farthest reaches of the Icewind Archipelago.

Natural Resources

Region that the city is built around is rich wish fish and furs from the larger animals in the area.
Alternative Name(s)
The city on ice
Inhabitant Demonym


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