Jurholok, The Endless Maw

Jurholok (a.k.a. The Endless Maw)

All knew that the swamp was no place to make their home for the dark beast that lurks below the murky waters. - Worried Local
  One of the many beasts created by experimentation by the Warlock Lords, Jurholok, the Endless Maw was created through the various reptiles from faraway lands and turned into a hulking beast that made its home in the swamps of southern Norria where it roamed as it pleased. Even with its hulking size alone, it is difficult to find being able to vanish quickly in the murky waters, only to appear when it strikes for the kill. All creatures that dare venture into its domain are his to devour, with the last thing that they ever see are its jaws appearing from the waters to eat them before they can even react to them.

Physical Description

Body Features

Black Tar Scales blend in with dark environments and deep water to make them difficult to spot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Terror of the Murky Waters

  From the deepest pools of the Murky Waters lies a beast of unimaginable size that hides within them, claiming all the waters of these swamps as its own and hunting as it pleases. This Accursed Beast has lived in these waters for centuries since it was created through Blood Magic by the Warlock Lord Azaki, who once ruled over the Murky Waters using it as a guardian of his fortress of Deep Rot and a weapon to rid of those that defied him by sending the beast to feed upon them. It continued to do this even long after the death of its master, being the ruler of the waters, with very few being able to oppose its rule and feasting upon all that is unfortunate to cross paths with it. Many have tried to slay the beast by hunting it in its domain, which it often never leaves, only to meet their end at its jaws. Many avoid the swamps, knowing they might encounter the beast that rules over them for the first and only time.   This led to much of the region being devoid of Human life, with only a few natives finding places to avoid Jurholok's reach and moving during certain times of the day once they figured out its sleep and migration patterns. Yet out of all the places it went, it was mainly found in its master's old fortress, now a ruin slowly being swallowed up by the swamp over the centuries as if continuing to obey its creator's command to protect it all this time. The ruins were one of the few places that had not been looted during the fall of the Warlock Lords. Anyone who dared to do so was never seen again with it being said that their screams of being torn apart by their guardian could still be heard to this day. Yet even those who live in infamy shall meet their end one day like all things.    

Break of the Jaws

  Most could ever believe that the hands of mortals would ever kill a monster like Jurholok, that only the gods could bring an end to its terror once and for all, yet it often takes a rare breed of mortal to do the impossible and defying what most have deemed impossible when in actuality it is only improbable. That mortal would finally come, a man who would become famous for his strength and courage as a warrior, the man would be forever known as Magnus the Slayer, but he would not come alone as his comrades of the Storm Guard would stand by him to bring down the scaley beast the ruled over this watery land. While many guardsmen would help take down the beast, Magnus would be the one to confront it head-on as he was the only one strong enough to hold off Jurholok's massive jaws. It also required a well-thought-out plan to subdue such a creature as brute strength would not be as Jurholok was quite elusive despite his size. Luckily their leader, Darius Harkon had the wits needed to achieve this task, with the best way of taking the beast down was in its lair.   It was here that they waited for the beast when it went out for usual hunting across its lands and waited and prepared with Magnus using himself as bait to lure the Accursed Beast out of the water knowing all too well that it would not tolerate the giant man inside its dwelling and would remove him personally. After some time waiting, with everyone in the Warband in the best position to ambush, the beast would arrive with a bellowing roar that echoed through the ruined halls in pure rage at the sight of Magnus. It was here that Jurholok would come charging out of the water when it knew that it could not reach out of the water and with it a chaotic battle ensued as the trap was sprung. The tight space made it difficult for the monster to get its jaws on its attackers and it began to thrash around violently they began to aim for its eyes as its hide was too strong to pierce, with Magnus holding his own against the Endless Maw, looking for an opening to deal the killing blow. Which made him realize the only true weakness that it had was its deadly maw made of soft flesh charging into Jurholok's and with a mighty swing of his massive axe split its lower jaw from its upper one causing a gush of blood to fill its lair and ending the reign of the maw once and for all, cementing the beginning of Magnus as a Slayer of all beasts as he took its hide as to strengthen his armor. Now the Murky Waters are free of the great beast for all to travel as they see fit, yet now and then people watch the water just in case the spirit of Jurholok still haunts its waters waiting to feast once more.
500 Years
1020 CA 1520 CA 500 years old
Glowing Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Tar
7 ft
15 tons

Monstrous Traits

  Thick Scales: Jurholok's hide has been infamous for how thick it is as most weapons would be unable to even pierce its scales skin in any way, leading to an untimely end at failing to injure it.   Silent Presence: Despite its size, Jurholok was known to be able to keep itself hidden from just about anyone when it wanted to wait in the swampy water as it struck at its prey quickly before vanishing as if it was a ghost.   Crusher Jaws: The very reason it was called the Endless Maw, Jurkolok's massive jaws are said to have an endless set of teeth capable of tearing through flesh with ease and its bite being able to break through Mammoth bone, often being the last thing anyone saw when it struck out of the water to attack.

Cover image: by Jester%
Character Portrait image: by Jester%


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