Sky Isles of Hurol Geographic Location in The Sagas | World Anvil

Sky Isles of Hurol

The isles like all things that are magic based on Dageth was the results of the Awakening , the magical even that result from the War of Light And Dark. The very power created the isles from a massive explosion that it causes sending parts of the land skyrocketing into the sky. But it did not come down as magic altered their gravitational fields. They have been like that ever since. The High Elves are often the only ones who declared it theirs creating settlements and exploring the mystery that are hidden within them with their Storm Hawks to fly them around. Just mind the weather it gets worse the higher you go up.


The series islands are scattered are often found above the Fields of Orios and a few of them are found in the outlying forests around it. Their are at least a few hundred islands the locked within magic gravitational field that keeps them floating in the air.

Fauna & Flora

Not thay many animals live upon on the elses, except for every type of bird imaginable. Often migrating form island to island in search of food and reproduce. As for the plant life, it is surprisingly numerous. Even though the climate is colder and has less oxygen it has adapted to their environment. Along with magical enhancements granted to them.

Natural Resources

These islands are best for agriculture needs, even though they are rich in minerals as they lottery pull out of the group and alter with magic. Mining an island too much can cause it to crack and break apart instantaneously. But the plant life is abundant and is much of is completely infused with magic creating certain properties within them.
Alternative Name(s)
Sky lands


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