Staff of Fedoran

With his hands raised with his staff in hand, Fedoran channeled all of his power into the sea in order to bring forth his people's new home. For a few moments there was nothing, then suddenly the earth shook violently as all who felt it fell and covered themselves with whatever they could find to protect themselves from what was to come. But then they stopped when the bright light from his staff soon engulfed everything around them until it was all they could see. They lost all fear as they gazed upon and no one knew how long it had lasted until it finally dimmed, Then did they realize that the shacking had stopped and before out on the sea that was not their before stood an island. "This shall be our new home!" said Fedoran and a great cheer came from the crowd. - The Journey of Fedoran

Welder of the Staff

Fedoran is a legend among the magic born community for his contribution to aid those facing death and persecution in a world that did not understand them. He considered all born with magic to be his people and set out to find a home for them so that they could live in peace. His skill as a geomancer was well regarded as well as he learned to control his magic and the Price of Magic that came with it. He spent many years fighting for the freedom for his people, but he knew that the Western Lands were no place for them and their enemies were great in number. So with all his power he raised a piece of land out of the sea and with it created a new home for his people so that they could have a fresh start and no worries from the rest of the world. Here the Commune of Vultas would be founded and for many generations of spellcasters would know true peace from the rest of the world.  

Power of the Staff

Legend has it that the power that resides in the staff comes from the large crystal that is on the top of it. Which is said to have magical properties and giving great power to anyone with magic who wielded it. The crystal in question was found by Fedoran deep within the earth when he was exploring the Under Root in search for a sanctuary of magic born to live in peace. What he found instead was a cavern that was filled with magic and took a piece of the crystal to study it. When he learned of its properties he created a staff that he placed the crystal on top of and infused it with runes to concentrate its power. He would use the staff on many occasion to defend his people and when he used it the earth itself would destroy all who would oppose him  

Lost to Time

After Fedoran passed away after many years of service to his people his staff was displayed in the Council of Voices in the Commune of Voltas. It was used to remind all of his deeds and to remind them of the values of the on which they stood for. It would remain there heavily guarded with magic to ensure no one would be able use it whether it be for good or evil. But when the Kingdom of Hyperia invaded the commune and sacked the capital of Fedoran's Haven during the First Isle War. The staff was lost and was never seen again. It is unsure if the staff was swept hidden away mage the fleeing mages or taken as plunder by conquerors it has been seen since then. Though some might say that the staff was destroyed is not that simple as destroying the crystal would have unleashed a massive surge of magical energy that would have destroyed everything in several miles as it was stated in Fedoran notes when he was studying the crystal. Making it a dangerous weapon that should never be unearthed again for the power it holds could destroy everything in its path.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The staff has a large magic crystal that amplifies the power of any magic user who wields it.


It is a highly valued artifact that was created by the great wizard Fedoran and used it helping him cast his magic and amplify it greatly
Item type
Unique Artifact
Only staff of its design to ever be created by Fedoran the Guide
7 pds

Making of the Staff

  The staff is made of two components, the crystal and the staff each on is necessary to make it function properly.  
Crystal: The crystal itself is of magic in origin that has fused into objects into when it was concentrated long enough. Though its unique properties have not been fully explored as it has not been fully documented in its natural habitat as its location was never discovered or written down. But the power that's inside of it makes the spellcaster more powerful when they use it. As it acts as an amplifier that allows the user's magic to be channeled through it to make it's stronger.
Staff: The staff is mostly ordinary wood made from oak to ensure that it's sturdy. Although it has several runes carved into it to modify the power of the crystal that is attached to it. Allowing the user to be protected without any harm to themselves.

Cover image: Staff by Pawel M


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