Storm Guardsmen

We come with the storm at our back and the sky will rain blood when we unsheath our blades. For we are the lightning that we strike at all who stand in our way- Storm Guard Chant



There are only three hundred that are given the position. Each one is a capable warrior that works alongside one another.


They are given a set of chainmail armor with padding under it to stay warm. With light-scale mail for extra protection. Along with a reinforced helmet designed to be able to protect the face without blocking vision. A dark blue cloak with its crest is given to them as well that comes with a large decorative pin.


Many use the weapons that they already used before entering the guard. Most weapons are swords, shields, axes, and spears. With only a few carrying the massive great ax into battle.


The mounts of the guard are different depending on their preferred mounted animal while some ride horses others may ride Griffons to get where they need to be along with other beasts that they may choose to ride that are found on Norria.


Mästare: The greatest of the Guardsmen that gives out orders to its members and commands directly from the monarch. They are honored and respected for they are chosen from the ranks to show that they are worthy of the title.   Huskarl: Veterans of the guardsmen that have learned to lead their comrades into battle and keep them in line when they are needed.   SheildKin: Experienced fighters that make up much of the guardsmen are sent out on assignments and are the first into battle.


The guardsmen have a long history of face against the odds as their enemies, may they be man, beast or otherworldly survived time and time again. Often choosing their battles wisely and see how their enemies worked inside and out to exploit their weakness. In doing so they have managed to vanquish all who have stand in their way and prove themselves are mighty warriors.   Shield Wall: By interlocking shields with another they are capable repelling incoming forces from breaking their lines and stop incoming projectile fire from reaching them. With discipline they can hold out to tire their foes to push them back or incircle them.   Aerial Supremacy: With the domestication of Griffons, the Guardsmen have an advantage in the air being able to see from great distances and strike at an enemy force without them realizing it.   Tactical Exploitation: Guardsmen are trained to use their environment to their advantage to gain any edge against their opponents to create ambushes and choke points and guerrilla tactics to disorient them and keep them from being in proper fight strength.   Shield Wedge: By concentrating their strongest warriors at the center and forming a wedge to charge into an enemy to break their line and engulf them creating a psychological effect that will send fear into the enemy as their numbers are cut down by powerful warriors.   Lighting Strike: A tactic created by Darius Harkon to overwhelm an enemy with sheer force to cause panic and disorientation by attacking from multiple fronts simultaneously with air superiority and heavy unite assault leading the attack with infantry from behind.   Raiding: Through the use of stealth and fast movement from either land, air, or sea the sudden attack is designed to capture and destroy resources by catching the enemy off guard as they scramble to ready their defenses only to leave as quickly as they arrive with what they have.


The soldiers that are a part of this unit are made up of the best warriors from all across Norria. Each of them is often a veteran of many battles in their lifetime and years of experience fights all manner of foes. They are often going through more organized fighting tactics to fight as a unit, but each one is put through harsh training that takes them to their limits. Along with disciplining them for them to remain in formation and to take advantage of their enemy's weaknesses. Only to unleash their full fury when the time comes to strike fear into all who face them.


Logistical Support

They often only carry what they need such as food and survival equipment. Often living off the land and each member responsible for their supplies.


Warriors of Jarls can join them in their mission and anyone who decides to come along and join them.


20 Gold pieces


Only those who are Norrian or some the blood in their veins or their origins must be native to the continent itself with only a few exceptions for those who are outsiders. Then warriors who prove themselves worthy are given the right to be a member of the Storm Guard. It doesn't matter if they are men or women if your skill is exceptional, you can head over to the Trails of the Storm, where warriors all across the land and beyond fight and see who is among the strongest of them all to take place in the guard. Through and set of tasks and fighting the weak a plucked out one by one until only those capable remains, the trials are brutal and some are killed in the process, but when the required numbers are reached, they are given one final task. To defeat a member that is currently a part of the Strom Guard. It doesn't matter if they win or lose, if they can hold their own against a stronger opponent they are considered worthy of the title. Once that is finished they pledge their loyalty to the High King and are given their uniform and armor. Then a celebration is committed in their honor composed of feasting and drink to their success.


Unexpected Origins

The origins of the Storm Guard are said to be being during the younger years of Darius Harkon, long before he became the High King of Norria when he came into a mead hall and offered up a sack of gold to anyone who defeated him in a duel and if he won they would join him. None were able to beat him and pledge their loyalty to him and many joined him out of respect for his skill. With time others join him, not just Norrians or Humans but many other cultures and races as well followed him where ever he went as well as they slowly began to make a name for themselves. It was not until went into the North Sea and faced Þrumandi reiði that they would gain their iconic name. As the tale goes the Darius and his men were trapped in the middle of the storm with all hope seeming to be lost as they were having difficulty just keeping the ship from sinking and fear slowly began to surround them as much as the raging waters were. But Darius did not lose hope or gave into fear and when they saw this they became inspired to do the same and keep their ship from sinking and managed to escape the storm without losing a single man to it. Darius would earn his title of Storm Lord as the ancient law had declared but he gave his men the title of Storm Guard for their valiant efforts during such a troubling time and the name stuck ever since. Soon enough they would set out a long journey across the world and many others would join them for it did not matter if they Norrian for the spirit of a warrior and the thirst for adventure was all that they ever needed. Where their journey would take them would make them legends for all to know them as they have left their mark on history.  

Warriors of Renown

Many warriors have come and gone as guardsmen, but all of them have shown exceptional skill in the battle against many foes during their time as a Warband. Along with those who have risen above the rest to be considered it greatest fighters that were ever produced with names such as Magnus the Slayer, Thorvid the Red, and many others chiefly among them. Many of which were there at the battles that truly defined them for years to come, such as the Scourge of Serpents, the Clash of Shields, and the Battle of the Bloody Hill. All of which had proven that the guardsmen were not just a band of hired blades seeking riches but also warriors who were as feared as they were courageous. Even beyond the continent of Norria their names and deeds were witnessed by many they crossed and recorded by the Skald named Selen Songbird that accompanied them on their long journey across the world. Along the way, warriors from other lands joined them and made the guardsmen stronger with their expertise and fighting styles to become a more effective fighting force. They explored so many places of wonder and danger that would make them stronger and testing themselves here and there to prove that they were the best warriors around as they made their journey across much of the known of men. Making both friends and foes that would remember them by their skill and personality that surrounded which was that of kinship and honor. It was never a dull moment for guardsmen as life was short and they lived every moment of it as it was their last and staying loyal to the one man that kept them together Darius Harkon who treated them all as his equals only asking them to become stronger to face any trial that they might face in time and that is what they did as they kept moving on and facing everything that stood in their way without hesitation.  

Forging a Nation

The Storm Guardsmen would bring about great change to warfare when the Northern Wars of Unification began as Darius Harkon made his claim to become High King of Norria. They were now the royal guard to their leader and all would pledge their service to him as he was a worthy man to follow. In every battle that they were a part of it, it was just all of them or a few dozen of their effect on those around them was strong as their allies were encouraged and their enmities trembled in fear as the tactics they employed that the continent had never seen before. Battles such as the Red Fields, Lake Singer, Yul, Burning Hills, and what would be their most famous battle Bloody Hill when the Shield of Asen lead an all-out assault on a fortified fort in the attempt to kill Darius Harkon while he was wounded in battle and thousand of it remaining members would descend upon him and what was left of his guardsmen. It was unclear how long the battle actually lasted when it finally ended, but many fell that day, and the enemy was all but annihilated as each of the surviving members of the guards were thickly drenched in blood from all the enemies they slew that day as each man and women held their ground for their king and giving them the nickname “Blood Rain” from that day forth. Each survivor and would be bestowed the highest honors by Darius himself and the dead would be given an honorable burial as heroes for all time. But when Darius asked if any of them wished to leave his service once the fighting was all put over many of them refused as they wished to serve their king for the rest of their days then serve anyone else. They now guard the High King and train to pass the days to stay in peak condition when they need to fight again. For they often sent on missions of importance when the king calls upon them as they the greatest warriors in the land no task is too great for them. For they are the storm of the king that will bring silence to those who would stand in their way and blood would rain down from it for each of their foes slain before them.

Historical loyalties

Storm Guardsmen are loyal to the Storm Guard and their brothers and sister in it. But most importantly the High King or High Queen of Norria themselves.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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May 5, 2021 08:37

Jester%,   This is a really good article, full of information. I really enjoyed the read..   Aemon

May 5, 2021 11:59


May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
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