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The Congregation

The Elysian Empire has invested much of the government's legislative power into the Elysian Congregation, the Elysian Conregation is a tricameral legisature seperated into an upper, middle, and lower house. The Upper house of the Congregation is known as the Senate and consits of the representatives from each inhabbited body in the Elysian Empire. Each body has the right to elect 4 senators to represent them in the Congregation, this part of the congregation acts as a final review to aprove or disaprove any law or proposition put forth by the lesser houses.

The Parlament is the middle house of the Congregation and its most controversioal. This is due to the Parlament not begin an elected body within the Congregation, with all members being apointed for a single 30 year term by the Emperor/Emperess and aproved by the senate. Those in the Parlament may perpose legislaion and vote upon propositions for the lower house. This system was established in the desire to have en element of the political class unconcerned with relelection and focused on the long terms. Though some apointed have lived up to this intention many are apointed to Parlament for the standerd political compition and reward reasons. This has seen several political families consistantly holding a seat in the Parlament, and several commintators of Elysian polotics have feared that these families may be the begining of a new nobel class.

Finaly The People's House is the lower house in the Congregation made up of velected indivguals from each inhabited body int eh empire based on population. Beging the lowest house in the Congregation the representatives may only perpose new legisltation without the ability to vote on any propositions by the Parlament.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament