Anastrianna Berevan

Anastrianna Berevan is a withered female elf. She is tall and lean, and has amber eyes with light tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Anastrianna is that she has incredibly white teeth.   Anastrianna drinks too much. She is always doubting people. When she is relaxed, she is gruff. In moments of stress, she becomes intolerant.    Perhaps due to sexism, Anastrianna is a tailor, with a background of being a sage. She belongs to the peasantry social class. Anastrianna currently has a golden yellow topaz gem worth 50gp in her pockets, and 270 Gold 3 Silver 4 Copper to her name. She lives on Silgre Trail. Anastrianna knows Common and Elvish.   Anastrianna currently earns 1 Gold 2 Copper per day.
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