Anastrianna Wasanthi

Anastrianna Wasanthi is an elderly female elf. She is on the short side and weedy, and has pale green eyes with light skin. The most notable physical trait of Anastrianna is that she has more legs than torso.   Anastrianna bobs head back and forth when speaking. She has a severe overbite. She is brash, trusting, and bright and energetic. When she is relaxed, she is cheerful. In moments of stress, she becomes belligerent.   Perhaps due to sexism, Anastrianna is a surgeon, with a background of being a peasant. She belongs to the commoner social class.   Anastrianna currently has spectacles worth 5gp in her pockets, and 240 Gold 2 Silver 6 Copper to her name. She lives on Raethran Road. Anastrianna knows Common and Elvish. Anastrianna has a husband, Adran Othronus.   Anastrianna currently earns 3 Gold 8 Silver per day.
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