
Archduke Belial (a.k.a. Lady of Pain and Suffering)

Belial was the lady of Phlegethos who, along with Fierna, her daughter, were the only archdevils allowed to share rulership over one of the Nine Hells by Asmodeus. Belial was the veteran schemer in their abnormal alliance, contributing diabolical deviousness and greater conspiratorial experience.   Belial was the most beautiful of the archdevils, appearing as an impressively built, 10 ft (3 m) tall figure. She was tall, dark and sensual, practically oozing carnality through the regal garments that clung to her body in such a way as to promise pleasure and further her libidinous image.   Before Mephistopheles took on a more infernal appearance, Belial was also the most devilish looking Lady of the Nine, an impression enhanced by the ranseur she always held in her claws. Some said her skin was scaly and ash-black while others purported it was red, and early reports claimed she had a glossy black tail and wings. Other signs of her hellishness could be seen in the small horns, the same black as her tail and wings, that emerged under her hairline, and her large, slanted eyes that glowed and smouldered red with lustful intent. Her monstrous features however did little if any to detract from her aura of civility and overall mesmerizing physique.   Personality-
Greatly confident, mesmerizing in personality, and said to be incredibly vain, Belial delighted in the use of manipulation and domination. She was a profane being of great lust with an insatiable hunger for physical pleasure and pain, as fond of killing and the feeling of hot blood against her skin as she was in traditional debauchery and gratification.   Despite her deep passions, Belial was also intelligent and experienced, not so rash as to become so caught up in her amusements that she didn't take proper precautions and prepare contingencies. The old devil was of shrewd judgement and cunning political prowess which, along with her good looks, aided her in her ambitious, diabolical machinations. She was also of glib tongue, always coming off as civil even despite the threatening, underlying messages that could be found in some of her words.   Activities-
In more recent times, Belial focused on the duties as the lord of Phlegethos, specifically overseeing the judicial system of the Diabolical Court. Though independent judges loyal to Asmodeus were in charge of the institution, responsible for overseeing contract disputes, accusations of battlefield cowardice and dereliction of duty, and other criminal charges, Belial still supervised the system. Her and her underlings were also the ones that administered promotion and demotion rituals for devils, a procedure that could leave the subject in wretched torment or in the throes of ecstasy. Aside from that, Belial's personals concerns revolved around her own scheming to overtake Stygia and indulging in her lusts. Though Fierna had a greater reputation for thoughtlessly going through men, Belial was no better, frequently sating her needs with captives, slaves or other devils.   Belial's only notable ally besides Fierna was Baalzebul, an alliance that managed to survive the Reckoning even if it was more of a secret. Belial would come to Baalzebul's aid if needed and vice versa, assuming the Lord of the Flies could find some advantage in doing so, although doing so would likely provoke Mephistopheles. The Lord of Hellfire would probably try and use Belial's daughter against him, preferably as an ally and failing that as a hostage, although Baalzebul was more concerned with her as a threat to him and Belial's alliance given her relationship with Glasya.

Divine Domains

Lust, Blood, Evil

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Belial had long been the ruler of Phlegethos, although her exact age was debatable. She was old enough to regard Levistus, who herself rivalled the likes of the ancient Dispater in age, as a worthy adversary given that she was a "devil of the old school". Despite her hatred for Moloch, she allied with Baalzebul during the Reckoning, following which she was demoted while Fierna took up the mantle of rulership. Though this could be seen as a cowardly move, and indeed it was a ploy to sate Asmodeus's wrath and get her to target other archdevils, Fierna was fine with the situation, at least until Glasya's ascension to rulership of Malbolge.   Belial had been met with a series of setbacks ever since the Reckoning. Her plans to take Stygia from the new lord of the Fifth were stymied after Levistus was put in charge and her Gazra-led legions were swiftly decimated. She focused on trying to outmanoeuvre the Frozen Princess politically for a time before once again attempting to assemble armies against her, confident that she would be able to defeat her and then perhaps the Hag Countess shortly afterwards. But it was Glasya's surprising rise to power that proved, if not the most detrimental, the most life-altering for her. Fierna saw a kindred spirit in Glasya and the Princess of Hell could be considered her "best friend", at least as much as devils could have them. At Glasya's urging and in imitation of her close companion, she had begun growing interested in ruling Phlegethos in more than name, calling herself an archduchess, creating her own cults and devil networks, and introducing new initiatives to her mother.   As much as she would try to hide it, his daughter's newfound ambition struck sweaty terror in the old Lady of the Fourth, for even as Fierna claimed she simply wanted knowledge on rulership if something happened to her, she was firmly of the mind that any untimely death would be at her command. Belial, for her part, attempted to keep tabs on her daughter's behaviour without provoking her to greater autonomy, even putting many of her schemes against Levistus on hold while considering various actions against Glasya to make her a less appealing role model for Fierna. She was fully aware that the line she trod was thin, however, as any obvious strikes against Asmodeus's daughter could not only inspire her own progeny to rebellion, but be construed as moves against Asmodeus herself.   If Glasya was attempting to drive mother and daughter apart to force some final confrontation between them however, the results were debatably successful. The two had managed to reconcile their differences and completely rework their family dynamic publicly ruling Phlegethos as a team. Fierna participated in the "family business", by managing their soul quota, something she proved to be far superior to her mother in, while Belial handled the administration and other "work" to which Fierna was apathetic. Calling the two partners wasn't exactly accurate however, as they showed a confusing combination of hate, respect, rivalry and companionship all at the same time. They constantly made moves against each other, although not so much as to be a dangerously exploitable weakness, Belial's greater experience countering Fierna's superior glibness.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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