Donella Sympony
Donella Sympony is an elderly female gnome. She is rather tall (compared to a halfling) and bony, and has brown eyes with fair skin. The most notable physical trait of Donella is that she has a heart tattoo.
Donella fidgets. She is always doubting people, prudent, and craven. When she is relaxed, she is fearful. In moments of stress, she becomes overly protective.
Perhaps due to sexism, Donella has recently been somewhat unsuccessful as an alchemist, with a background of being a guild artisan. She belongs to the commoner social class, but lives large, with little care to how much money is spent, splashing out on expensive things on a whim.
Donella currently has 5 cp in her pockets, and 110 Gold 9 Silver 3 Copper to her name. She lives on Fox Lane. Donella knows Common and Gnomish. She primarily prefers other genders, but sometimes finds the same gender attractive, and has a husband, Boddynock Maekkelferce.
Donella currently earns 12 Gold 4 Silver 6 Copper per day.
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