Drusilia Erenaeth

Drusilia Erenaeth is a weathered female elf. She is tall and scrawny, and has amber eyes with brown skin. The most notable physical trait of Drusilia is that she has a rather wide waist.   Drusilia cannot resist a juicy secret. She is blame-prone and unable to control any urges. When she is relaxed, she is greedy. In moments of stress, she becomes caustic.   Despite sexism against her, Drusilia is currently mildly successful as a butcher, with a background of being a hermit. She belongs to the peasantry social class.   Drusilia currently has 34 cp and 4 sp in her pockets, and 100 Gold 2 Silver to her name. She lives on Keep Road. Drusilia knows Common and Elvish. She prefers the same gender, but sometimes finds other genders attractive.   Drusilia currently earns 9 Silver 2 Copper per day.


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