
Ancient Amethyst Dragon Ione (a.k.a. Old Wisdom)

Amethyst dragons prefer lairs near water, ideally mountain lakes, where they take advantage of existing caves and tunnels. A lair behind a cascading waterfall is ideal, and often part of that lair is submerged, allowing the dragon to rest in the water and cultivate the fish that are their preferred food.   Amethyst dragon lairs frequently exhibit or develop large and beautiful clusters of amethyst crystals, including massive cathedral geodes split open to show their contents and clusters of crystal points more than a foot in diameter that extend six to ten feet from the interior stone surfaces of the lair. These crystals resonate with the dragon’s presence, and glow with a soft inner light. The older the dragon, the deeper the purple colour of the crystals.   Amethyst dragons, the mightiest of the gem dragons, study and psionically manipulate the fundamental principles of the multiverse, from the force of gravity to the emanations of the Outer Planes. Their innate psionics give them a measure of control over how physical laws affect them. They defy gravity with flight that doesn’t rely solely upon their great wings, and gravitational force empowers both their devastating breath weapon and the exploding amethyst crystals they spit at their foes.   Royal Purple:
When first hatched, an amethyst dragon has scales of dull, opaque purple. As the dragon grows, their scales, horns, and wing membranes become more vibrant and translucent. When the dragon is fully mature, their scales resemble rich purple amethyst crystals, refracting light to take on an inner glow. Their pupils fade with age, making the eyes of an ancient dragon resemble glowing white or pale lavender orbs. Crystalline horns reminiscent of amethyst chunks hover behind their heads, held there by telekinetic force and shifting with their moods.   Cosmological Study:
Many amethyst dragons are fascinated by the existence of other worlds in the Material Plane, and especially the way individual dragons manifest unique echoes across those worlds. They also prize understanding of the cosmic forces that emanate from the Outer Planes, studying the opposing tides of good and evil, chaos and order, so they can offer counsel to those with the wisdom to accept it.   Amethyst dragons pay particular attention to intrusions of the Far Realm into the Material Plane. They loathe the corruption that accompanies such intrusions into the world, making them fierce opponents of the Far Realm and any creatures warped by its touch. Strangely, though, they are intrigued by and fond of flumphs. These Aberrations, which oppose the depredations of mind flayers and other wicked Aberrations, remind amethyst dragons that allies can be found in the strangest places.   Hoarded Arcana:
In addition to material wealth, amethyst dragons delight in collecting knowledge and magic dealing with the nature of the planes of existence, cosmic forces, and distant worlds. They prize treasures drawn from different worlds of the Material Plane, especially magic items and artworks that highlight the unique nature of different worlds. Magic items that allow teleportation or travel between planes, spellbooks filled with similar magic, and treatises examining the nature of the multiverse form the centrepiece of an amethyst dragon’s hoard. (

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amethyst Dragon Personality Trait:
I see a far more kaleidoscopic reality than you do … or than any of your selves do, really.
Amethyst Dragon Ideal:
Balance. Everything is a complex interaction of forces that must be kept in a delicate and carefully maintained balance.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Aqua, large
Long, amethyst purple, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, smooth
5'7 ft
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Telepathy 120 ft.


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