
Ancient Sapphire Dragon Judrenth (a.k.a. Jude)

Sapphire dragons make their lairs in enormous caverns and complex tunnel systems. As they grow older, they continually renovate their lairs, using their tunnelling abilities and command over stone.   Sapphire dragons eventually create dizzying honeycombs of hidden passages, deceptively thin walls, and secret chambers that allow them to traverse the entire lair without ever being seen by intruders. The best-defended sapphire dragon lairs have no easily accessible entrances or exits at all, and trespassers who do find their way inside must then contend with a maze of corridors, dead ends, and steep inclines.   The thunderous clash of conflict is part of the very nature of sapphire dragons. Militant and territorial, they defend their lairs fiercely, ambushing intruders and plotting assaults against their rivals. The sonic pulse of their breath weapon sows weakness, leaving the victims unable to fight back.   Luminous Blue:
Sapphire dragons’ scales and wing membranes show varied shades of blue, ranging from the light tones of a spring sky to the rich, crystalline azure of sapphire gems and compressed glacial ice. In the light, the scales glitter and shine like luminous starbursts. The dragons’ psionic nature is evident in the horn and bone structures of their bodies. Their tail barbs and horn tips are all separate pieces, but they float in place, held aloft by psychic energy while the dragons live. These levitating horns and spines shift slightly with the dragons’ moods, bobbing in amusement or flaring with anger.   Art of War
The warlike sapphire dragons devise strategies and ambushes based on their ability to manoeuvre underground. A sapphire dragon often refrains from striking immediately, preferring to assess intruders first in order to devise the most advantageous approach to dealing with them.   Sapphire dragons watch for signs of Aberrations and other creatures corrupted by the Far Realm. They frequently ally with emerald dragons, drawing on their kin’s knowledge of occult phenomena to track the influence of the Far Realm. Armed with that knowledge, sapphire dragons stamp out alien influence before it spreads.   People who dwell or delve deep beneath the earth can easily find themselves at odds with a sapphire dragon if they cross into the dragon’s territory. But sapphire dragons sometimes forge peaceful relationships with rock gnomes or deep gnomes, relying on these folk to help protect the territory surrounding their lairs.   Martial Hoards:
Sapphire dragons’ favourite prizes are weapons and armour, records of military history and tactics, and magic items that protect against psychic damage or mental intrusion. The centrepiece of a sapphire dragon’s hoard is usually a catalogued, orderly collection of war gear, which can contain ancient relics of immense power. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/ancient-sapphire-dragon)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sapphire Dragon Personality Trait:
Give me a storied helmet or scimitar over a pile of gold any day.
Sapphire Dragon Ideal:
Preservation. Most creatures cannot be trusted to properly safeguard historically significant artefacts. I can.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Dark brown, large
Short, bright blue, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, smooth
3 ft
75 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Telepathy 120 ft.


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