Lyle Wildheart
Lyle Wildheart is an earlyish thirties male halfling. He is adorably short and scrawny, and has brown eyes with light skin. The most notable physical trait of Lyle is that he has a scar through the eyebrow.
Lyle is a habitual liar. He is imprudent and fainthearted. When he is relaxed, he is assertive. In moments of stress, he becomes cowardly.
Lyle has been somewhat unsuccessful as a gravedigger, with a background of being an urchin. He belongs to the paupery social class.
Lyle currently has map of a nearby castle in his pockets, and 60 Gold 4 Silver 1 Copper to his name. He lives on Farrier Dyke. Lyle knows Common and Halfling. He bisexual.
Lyle currently earns 4 Silver per day.
Ruled Locations