
Archduchess of Minauros Mammon (a.k.a. The Serpent, Queen of Greed)

Mammon, sometimes referred to as Minauros, was the lord of the identically named Minauros, and potentially the richest being in existence. Both literally and figuratively two-faced, the archdevil viscount was a feckless miser whose only loyalty was to coin.   Mammon's original form was traditionally infernal, a 12 ft (3.7 m) tall creature that resembled a flabby pit fiend with scaly, red-gold skin and wings that were as lustrous as rubies. Although still able to assume his old form, Mammon's natural appearance was eventually changed into one resembling certain yuan-ti half-bloods, albeit 30 ft (9.1 m) long. Her lower half was that of an enormous, spotted serpent with yellow-brown skin comparable to swirled vomit, while her upper half sported a muscular humanoid torso with bony spines protruding across her shoulders and along her large arms.   Her horned, hairless head was similarly humanoid but seemed oversized. Some said her eyes were yellow and silted like a snake, while others reported that her eyes were pale and pupil less although her vision seemed nonetheless sharp. Below her white eyes were hideous black lips, behind which laid her pointed teeth, two serpentine fangs, and a forked tongue that gave her her hissing, whispering voice.   Personality-
Mammon was an utterly selfish entity that practically personified greed with her insatiable desire. She was a ruthless hunter who would unrelentingly pursue her prey, whether it be an actual quarry or future possessions, but was indifferent to her prize once it was actually obtained, and would swiftly move on to new targets. While her cupidity wasn't limited to currency, Mammon was wholly materialistic and measured worth in regards to monetary value. She made deals solely for the purpose of making profit and otherwise didn't care about the results of the exchange. Alongside being avaricious, Mammon was also megalomaniacal, lusting after power and always scheming to acquire more of it.   The methods required to achieve her goals were irrelevant to Mammon, and she would perform whatever act she believed necessary to accomplish them. The duplicitous viscount would seduce her victims with silver-tongued promises before wantonly and gleefully watching their expressions when she betrayed them. The Serpent's speech could be compared to her schemes in their convoluted nature, for it was riddled with winding messages and unclear requests, meandering even when she was supposed to be delivering orders. Mammon was not only sinister but shameless, keeping her position primarily by acts of bootlicking sycophantism most charitably described as embarrassing. Her pathetic grovelling before her master was as renown as her arrogant condescension towards her own inferiors.   Mammon's host of other flaws included her overactive paranoia that drove her in her craven and often foolish pursuit of loyal servants. Her typical response to frustration, such as if she felt her time was wasted, was to alleviate the feeling by destroying the offender or otherwise tormenting unrelated parties. This was combined with her petty, oversensitive demeanour and overindulgent hedonism to make a being that was practically impossible to work with. No matter how competent the tyrant, it was impossible to stay on Mammon's good side for she had no such thing.   Activities-
Mammon rarely left the Sinking City as she preferred ruling her domain from a singular location, although normally she wasn't actually supervising the realm. Instead, a majority of her time was spent under the corrupted depths where she devised new, nefarious schemes. Like her peers, she coveted the crown of Asmodeus and plotted to overthrow her, but where she differed from them was that she didn't bother with treacherous baatezu politics and instead conspired to enrich herself. She wasted no time sleeping, devoting every second to her money-making machinations so as to increase her unwieldly income rate.   Mammon's primary method of influence was through the use of her overwhelming wealth. In exchange for items and services that she wanted, she offered financial loans and sometimes hired mercenaries to fend off particularly dangerous demonic hordes with the expectation of receiving the invader's loot. Where the River Styx sluggishly slogged through Minauros, there were soul collectors of Mammon on the banks to drag off the lemures within, recording and redistributing them based on contracts and current laws. The Queen of Avarice was one of the few archdevils willing to barter in gold as opposed to souls and any surplus petitioners were appropriated and sold for money.   When Mammon was angry or needed to relax, she'd revert to her pit fiend form, mount her massive nightmare, release a pack of larger than average hell hounds and go on a trophy-taking hunt. Devilish deserters were the most frequent quarry but wandering mortals were also fair game.   Mammon had a particularly complex relationship with the relatively new archdevil and her former consort, Glasya. It was said that her position as Mammon's concubine wasn't something she had set out to claim, but a form of punishment placed upon her by Asmodeus. The spoilt Princess of Hell, accustomed to the comforts of Nessus, was forced to endure the disgusting advances of the Serpent and the backwater slum that was her layer. Still, others posited that she came to Minauros willingly, possibly out of some form of genuine affection or merely as a way to annoy the other archdevils, particularly her father, before the Lord of Nessus broke off their relationship. Mammon put up little to no resistance against Asmodeus's demands, possibly earning Glasya's scorn, and her attitude towards her former consort were similarly enigmatic. On one hand, she was potentially embittered towards her for her supposed manipulation and frightened of her rise to archduchess, but on the other hand she was thought to want her at her feet when she conquered the Nine Hells. Whether or not the two had rekindled their old spark outside of Asmodeus's eye or still passionately resented each other was truly unknown, although given the twisted nature of infernal, romantic intrigue and the backwards, baatezu approach to relationships, both could be true.

Divine Domains

Greed, Blood, Evil

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the first to retreat before and submit beneath Asmodeus after the disaster that was the Reckoning, Mammon was left disgraced and, despite her kowtowing, punished. Her relationship with Glasya was ended, but her real punishment began once she changed her name to Minauros. Asmodeus changed Mammon's natural form, possibly for her own reasons and possibly because Mammon asked her to as a sign that she was a "new devil" that wouldn't betray her, into one resembling Geryon, the only archdevil that had stayed loyal to Asmodeus during the Reckoning.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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