
Ancient Deep Dragon Murruss (a.k.a. Mu)

Deep dragons make their lairs in the recesses of the Underdark, often near the settlements of people with whom they have alliances or enmities. Their lairs are highly individual. Some are woven from networks of living fungus. Others are built upon the ruins of ancient cities or carved into caves near underground lakes.   Deep dragons’ lairs serve as bases for the dragons’ explorations, as well as providing safe storage for their hoards. When these curious creatures are away from home searching out new environments and seeing new vistas, they usually leave their lairs protected by servitors, allies, magic, traps, or some combination of these protections.   Making their lairs in the depths of the Underdark, deep dragons are nightmarish cousins of chromatic dragons. The warped magical energy of their subterranean realm gives them the ability to exhale magical spores that instil fear and scar the mind. Deep dragons’ black-and-grey hide is smooth like a salamander’s, and their eyes are pale. As they age, their spore breath causes fungi to bloom across their skin, especially around the head and neck. Their wings are attached to their front legs and can fold in close to the body, allowing deep dragons to easily manoeuvre through relatively narrow tunnels.   Deep dragons often hoard secrets, delighting in knowledge of far-off lands. Many seek out new insights and tricks that they can use against other denizens of the Underdark, preferring social manipulation and crafty deal making to exerting themselves in combat. Deep dragons look down on any creature that isn’t useful to them, though they are willing to bargain for knowledge they lack. (

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Deep Dragon Personality Trait
While the petty squabbles of other creatures bore and irritate me, I might hear out those who demonstrate an appreciation for the finer things in life by bringing me delicacies like clams or aboleth flesh.
Deep Dragon Ideal
Superiority. Weaker creatures cannot be trusted, so I constantly remind my servants of my power.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Light brown, large
Long, lilac, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep blue, smooth
6'4 ft
130 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Undercommon


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