
Ancient Moonstone Dragon Niemun (a.k.a. The Poet Dragon)

Often, a moonstone dragon’s lair is not a single location, but rather a collection of personally significant places spread out across multiple planes of existence and connected through portals under the dragon’s control. A lair might include a secluded grove on the Material Plane, a well-protected tower in the Feywild, and even a hidden corner of the Ethereal Plane. Moonstone dragons often use locations in the Feywild as their primary residences, locations on the Material Plane for entertaining guests, and locations on the Ethereal Plane for storage. Occasionally, though, a whimsical moonstone dragon delights in shaking things up, insisting that visitors come to the Border Ethereal for a meeting or sleeping in the middle of a heavily trafficked forest on the Material Plane.   Moonstone dragons navigate their multiplanar lairs by opening portals between planes at will. They sometimes forget to close those portals, allowing the inhabitants of one plane to wander into others.   Ancient legends suggest that when the gods came to the First World and tried to populate it with their Humanoid followers, a clever dragon fled to the Feywild to hide a clutch of eggs. The magic of that faerie realm suffused the eggs, which hatched into the first moonstone dragons. Their descendants are now found throughout the Feywild.   Moonstone dragons are graceful and elegant creatures with opalescent scales and ruffs of emerald-green fur running down their chins, chests, backs, and tails. One horn arcs from the back of a moonstone dragon’s skull and another at the tip of the nose; the two horns together form a shape that’s reminiscent of a slender crescent moon. Moonstone dragons are playful and impetuous forces of mischief in their early years, but the best of them mature into wise teachers and storytellers who anchor Feywild communities. The worst of them are pompous and ill behaved, but even those remain gentle by nature and curious about all things—especially travellers from faraway places.   Moonstone dragons can project themselves into the realm of dreams to communicate with the creatures that sleep near their lairs. In this way, they inspire artists and poets, encourage great thinkers, and spur adventurers to heroic deeds. They sometimes give guidance to those in need or request help from adventurers to encourage them to greatness.   As a rule, moonstone dragons are not particularly interested in gold or copper, but they love silver, platinum, and mithril. They also cherish treasures whose value can’t be easily quantified—a song sung from the heart, a lock of a loved one’s hair, or a painting of a favourite place. A story of happy times fondly remembered is more precious to a moonstone dragon than a sack of gold. (

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Moonstone Dragon Personality Trait:
Conversing with others is often difficult because I’m so easily distr… oh my goodness, is that circlet made of silver?
Moonstone Dragon Ideal:
Nonviolence. Violence need never be the answer in a multiverse of infinite possibilities.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Current Residence
The Wild Wilderness, Feywild
Glowing yellow, large
Long, straight, black roots to light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, smooth
5'4 ft
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
All, Telepathy 120 ft.


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