Roondar Scheppen

Roondar Scheppen is a relatively young male gnome. He is rather small and bony, and has green eyes and a bit of peach fuzz on his chin, with dark tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Roondar is that he has harsh cheekbones.   Roondar is often sarcastic. He is unable to control any urges. When he is relaxed, he is greedy. In moments of stress, he becomes compulsive.   Roondar is mildly successful as a blacksmith, with a background of being an urchin. He belongs to the commoner social class.   Roondar currently has 12 sp and 7 gp in his pockets, and 7 Silver 2 Copper to his name. He lives on Keep Road. Roondar knows Common and Gnomish.   Roondar currently earns 1 Gold 1 Silver per day.
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