Suhnae Arnuanna

Suhnae Arnuanna is a young adult male elf. He is quite tall and scrawny, and has pale brown eyes with translucent skin. The most notable physical trait of Suhnae is that he has more legs than torso.   Suhnae gossips about the most mundane things. He is self-indulgent. When he is relaxed, he is weak-willed. In moments of stress, he becomes murderous.   Perhaps due to sexism, Suhnae has recently been slightly unsuccessful as a florist, with a background of being an urchin. He belongs to the commoner social class.   Suhnae currently has 12 sp and 7 gp in his pockets, and 150 Gold 7 Silver 8 Copper to his name. He lives on Rogue Street. Suhnae knows Common and Elvish.   Suhnae currently earns 1 Gold 3 Silver per day.
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