Tago Butler
Tago Butler is a prime adult aged male human. He is quite tall and thick, in a muscular sense, and has amber eyes with dark tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Tago is that he has a dagger tattoo.
Tago has a short temper. He is blame-prone and fainthearted. When he is relaxed, he is dour. In moments of stress, he becomes belligerent.
Perhaps due to sexism, Tago is a deacon, with a background of being a sage. He belongs to the commoner social class.
Tago currently has a list of people in a nearby city in his pockets, and 3 Silver 2 Copper to his name. He lives on Pope Way.
Tago currently earns 1 Gold 6 Silver 6 Copper per day.
Ruled Locations