Trynnicus Skaarzborroosh

Trynnicus Skaarzborroosh is a middle aged male dragonborn. He is relatively short and fat, but muscular, and has aqua eyes with white skin. The most notable physical trait of Trynnicus is that he has incredibly wide eyes.   Trynnicus embellishes the truth. When he is relaxed, he is eager. In moments of stress, he becomes destructive.   Trynnicus is a butcher, with a background of being a sage. He belongs to the peasantry social class.   Trynnicus currently has a scrap of paper with unintelligible writing on it in his pockets, and 6 Silver 4 Copper to his name. He lives on Main Trail. Trynnicus knows Common and Draconic. He prefers the same gender, but sometimes finds other genders attractive.   Trynnicus currently earns 9 Silver 2 Copper per day.


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