Valanthe Hanali

Valanthe Hanali is a withered female elf. She is taller than average and scrawny, and has green eyes with tan skin. The most notable physical trait of Valanthe is that she has very wide lips.   Valanthe fidgets. She is narcissistic. When she is relaxed, she is boastful. In moments of stress, she becomes angry.   Perhaps due to sexism, Valanthe is a gravedigger, with a background of being a criminal. She belongs to the paupery social class.   Valanthe currently has a deck of tarot cards in her pockets, and 30 Gold 4 Silver 9 Copper to her name. She lives on Tailor Plaza. Valanthe knows Common and Elvish. She predominantly prefers other genders, but sometimes finds the same gender attractive.   Valanthe currently earns 4 Silver per day.
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