Valanthe Mellerelel

Valanthe Mellerelel is a prime adult aged female elf. She is giraffe-like and bony, and has yellow eyes with light skin. The most notable physical trait of Valanthe is that she has incredibly veiny arms.   Valanthe chews with an open mouth. When she is relaxed, she is dour. In moments of stress, she becomes destructive.   Perhaps due to sexism, Valanthe is somewhat unsuccessful as a cobbler, with a background of being a hermit. She belongs to the peasantry social class.   Valanthe currently has a pouch full of dried berries in her pockets, and 110 Gold 6 Silver 7 Copper to her name. She lives on Baker Lane. Valanthe knows Common and Elvish.   Valanthe currently earns 1 Gold 1 Silver 3 Copper per day.
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