
Ancient Faerie Dragon Zimray (a.k.a. Zim)

Faerie dragons go where the fun is. For many, this means dwelling near portals to the Feywild, enjoying that realm’s unpredictable magic and boisterous revels. Yet it can just as easily mean residing among other peoples—stealing baubles from shrines, nesting in cluttered attics, or following explorers and other intriguing individuals on their travels. For as much as they love their homes and hoards, faerie dragons abandon both without a second thought if adventure beckons.   Faerie dragon lairs are as varied and eccentric as their owners. Some resemble simple animal nests, hidden away in secret crevices or woven of twigs and trash in the forks of ancient trees. Faerie dragons may also draw on the trappings of civilization, perhaps stealing a child’s dollhouse for use as a manor or convincing pixies to construct them a silken bower. The most elaborate faerie dragon lairs are modelled off those of larger dragons, featuring multiple chambers and cunning traps.   A faerie dragon is a cat-sized dragon with butterfly wings. It wears a sharp-toothed grin and expresses its delight by the twitching of its tail, its merriment fading only if it is attacked.   Invisible Tricksters:
The only warning of a faerie dragon’s presence is a stifled giggle. The dragon stays out of sight, watching invisibly as its victims contend with its pranks. When its fun is done, the dragon might reveal itself, depending on the disposition of its “prey.”   Friendly and Bright:
A faerie dragon has a sharp mind, a fondness for treasure and good company, and a puckish sense of humour. Travellers can play to a faerie dragon’s draconic nature by offering it “treasure” in the form of sweets, baked goods, and baubles in exchange for information or safe passage through its territory.   The Colours of Age:
A faerie dragon’s scales change hue as it ages, moving through all the colours of the rainbow. All faerie dragons have innate spellcasting ability, gaining new spells as they mature. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/faerie-dragon-older)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faerie Dragon Personality Trait:
I do not constantly steal food. If you can’t keep track of your rations, that’s really a personal failing.
Faerie Dragon Ideal:
Benevolence. Jokes are one thing, but I won’t abide cruelty. My mischief brings joy to the downtrodden and ridicule to oppressors.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Rainbow, medium
Long, black, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, smooth
4'6 ft
110 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Draconic, Sylvan


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