
Ancient Topaz Dragon Zogyth (a.k.a. Zo, Mister Miserable)

Topaz dragons are happiest by the sea. They spend most of their time basking in the sun and have no desire to get wet, beyond enjoying a bit of sea spray in the air. But they love being able to see the water, so they build their lairs on the heights of seaside cliffs or near perfect sunbathing beaches where they can best accomplish this.   Their preference for lair sites frequently brings topaz dragons into conflict with other creatures, since they resent having to share their chosen scenic locations with anything that isn’t food. They often abandon lairs to seek new vistas, so the interiors of their lairs often feel less finished than those of other dragons. Topaz dragons decorate their lairs with mirrors to make them look bigger and brighter, as well as fabric and objects in golden shades that complement their scales. They obsessively organize their hoards but almost never show them to anyone else.   Decay and despair are bound up in the nature of topaz dragons, thanks to the necrotic energy of the Negative Plane that suffuses them. Their psionic power manifests the fundamental entropic principle that mortal beings and their creations are ultimately doomed to death and decomposition, and the dragons’ demeanour is typically morbid and curmudgeonly as a result.   Gleaming Gold:
Upon hatching, topaz dragon wyrmling's scales are dull yellow-orange and have a cloudy or filmy look. As they age, their scales harden and clarify, becoming translucent and faceted, and ranging from bright yellow to rich amber in colour. Their bodies are wider at the haunches, tapering in a wedge shape toward the head, and their wings are shaped to propel them through both air and water. A topaz dragon’s psionic power manifests visibly in the gem-like spines that run in a ridge from the crown of the head to the tip of the tail. These spines hover above a living topaz dragon’s back, dancing and shifting with the dragon’s mood.   Embodiment of Decay:
While generally not malicious, topaz dragons embody decay. They view destruction as a natural means of clearing the way for new creation and growth, much as a forest fire clears dead wood, replenishes the soil, and allows the forest to regrow even healthier than before. To this end, topaz dragons use their power to reduce crumbling structures and diseased plants to dust, clearing the way for new growth and construction.   Despite being competent swimmers and making their lairs on seacoasts and in brackish marshes, topaz dragons hate the water. Unfortunately, their favourite food is giant squid, so these dragons have ample opportunity to complain bitterly about being wet after diving deep into the ocean in search of prey.   Topaz dragons often come into conflict with bronze dragons when their coastal territories overlap, and they can nurture an inexplicably intense hatred of these metallic dragons. They can also draw the ire of druids and other nature protectors who don’t understand the dragons’ proclivity for destroying large swaths of countryside. Beyond that, topaz dragons dislike company and grow irritated when disturbed. But anyone who can endure their abrasive demeanour, caustic observations, and morbid interests can form a lasting bond with a powerful ally.   Entropic Hoards:
Topaz dragons prize information on destruction and creation, whether abstract or dedicated to practical applications. They are fascinated by magic that creates objects from nothing, animates Undead, destroys matter, or manipulates negative energy. And they are particularly intrigued by Undead, sometimes keeping them in their hoards as curios. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/ancient-topaz-dragon)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Topaz Dragon Personality Trait:
The sea is beautiful and I love gazing upon it, but I abhor being wet.
Topaz Dragon Ideal:
Solitude. My own company obviates the need for others in my life, whether they are dragons or lesser creatures.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Slimrc, -499 BM
Year of Birth
499 BM 801 Years old
The Dragon Lands
Topaz, large
Long, orange, plated, wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, smooth, freckles
7'5 ft
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Telepathy 120 ft.


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