The Inner Plains Geographic Location in the scattered lands | World Anvil
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The Inner Plains

The Inner plains is slightly to the east of the center of the continent. To the South of The Inner Plains is a great mountain range where the dwarves reside. To the east the mountain range creeps up the side and meets with the rolling hills of the North. The west of The Inner Plains is high cliffs and on top of those cliffs are the magnificent forests were the elves inhabit. a Flowing river from the northern hills runs through The Inner Plains to the mountains to the south. smaller rivers and streams run of from the north and the Flowing river. trees started to grow near the flowing river and after many years it created what is now a small forest that is near the river. in the plains it is either sandy plains or rich volcanic soil. small bushes and shrubs dot the lands scape of The Inner Plains besides the forest. Buffalo, kangaroo, Bison, pronghorn some, Ferrets and, other animals live in the plains some birds migrate from north to south following the forest.   Since where The Inner Plains lies geographically not many people besides its inhabitants go there. many daring explorers and adventurers have wandered down into the great plains. the only people that live in The Inner Plains is the halflings and they wander the plains but mostly stick to the forest in the summer. Droffilc and Clifford the great twin cartographers that wandered the continent to map it found the Inner Plains and since they found it and found it rested near the center of continent named it the Inner Plains. the plains seem to have a magic of there own that keeps things growing and living the halflings believe it comes from the great river they call the river of life. the magic of the plains seem to keep fields of wheat alive and keeps the forest strong and growing.

Natural Resources

Bison, kangaroo, Buffalo, and Pronghorn live in these plains. in the rich volcanic soil some expanses of wheat fields have grown across the plains.


the halflings lived in the plains for as long as they can remember and it wasn't really known from the outside world until Droffilc and Clifford the great twin cartographers found and named the Inner Plains.


not many visit this place except halflings that return to the homeland the only other people that visit are adventurers trying to find something new. some people come to learn how the haltings have learned to ride the great kangaroos of the plains.

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