Avandra in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Good

Epithets: The Changebringer
The Trailblazer
The Great Patron
She Who Makes the Path

Tenets: Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands and The Changebringer will smile upon you.
Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that the change is for the better.
Rise up against tyranny. Fight for the freedom of yourself and others when you can and inspire others to fight when you cannot.

Domains: Arcana, Life, Trickery

Avandra enjoys the winds of change and exhorts her faithful to follow where they blow. For Avandra, change represents ever-renewing opportunities. Each moment is a chance to alter the course, either personally or on a grander scale. and to take things in a better direction than in the past.

Avandra stands as the symbol of true freedom. She commands the domain not to protect the selfish feelings of individuals but to defend the sovereign right of all people to take control of their destinies. Avandra hopes that others use their freedom to do the right thing. and she stands against tyranny of any kind. Her followers keep alive flames of hope in oppressive societies, serving as the seeds of rebellion or peaceful reform.

Chance, coincidence, fortune, randomness—whatever you call it, luck is a powerful and unpredictable force. Avandra takes this powerful force in hand as a weapon against drab destiny and dark fatalism. For her followers, luck provides excitement and opportunity even in the face of terrible odds.
Adys Xullora - Considering the Path - 1662

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