Bahamut in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Lawful Good

Epithets: The Platinum Dragon
Lord of the North Winds
Grandfather of Dragons
Paladin of the Seven Heavens

Tenets: Combat evil in all it’s forms but commit no harm in the process.
Bring aid to those in need but offer mercy only once.
Protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order.

Domains: Life, Order, War

The Platinum Dragon has always stood as a defender of mortals against threats larger than them and he expects those that worship him to do the same. There are many legends and stories about him taking the form of an old man or a young monk to impart a lesson to those that require it or to stand for justice when the innocent would be wrongly punished. It is also said that he would disguise himself as a soldier on the front lines of a battle against an evil force to encourage those on the side of good to fight harder. While he does not hesitate to use his full power when required, he prefers to embolden mortals to fight for what they believe in.

Bahamut's rivalry with Tiamat extends to the dawning of the First World. The two draconic deities have served as each other's foils since their first met. Tiamat opposed Bahamut's ideals on how creatures should be governed and lead and instead of protecting the weak, she upholds that the weak should feed the strong. She pushes the chromatic dragons that follow her to dominate or destroy those weaker than them, whereas Bahamut encourages cooperation and for the strong to set an example for others. Adherents that spread Bahamut’s teachings are much more likely to be forthright about their intentions while Tiamat’s followers deal in lies and intimidation to get others to act in a way that benefits them.
Beruit Terciral - The Just Takes Flight - 1602

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