Corellon in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Good

Epithets: The Archheart
Progenitor of Elvenkind
The Preserver of Life
First of the Seldarine

Tenets: Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
Follow the echoes of lost magic, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the works of The First.
Combat the followers of Lloth wherever they may be.

Domains: Arcana, Nature, Trickery

As the personification of all things elven, Corellon was at once a warrior and a poet, a mage and a bard, and a male and a female. However, in his love of Araushnee, he settled into the aspect of a male gold elf warrior, a counterpart to her female dark elf artist. While he retained the capacity to assume female or male form, he conventionally appeared as an androgynous male elf possessed of lithe build and preternatural beauty.

Priests of Corellon are expected to serve actively in the defense and artistic development of elven communities and to work to mediate disputes that arise among the Fair Folk or between the elves and other sylvan deities. In service to the Preserver, many Corellite priests serve in the armed forces of their homeland, defending elven territories from the relentless expansion of other races and training their fellow elves in combat skills and magic. Others work closely with elven artisans and craftsmen instructing them in the skills they need to create works of wondrous beauty, as well as using their own creative talents in similar pursuits. Finally, members of Corellon's priesthood are often called upon to act as diplomats and arbitrators between the various clergies, the various subraces of elves, the various classes of elven society, and even between elven communities. While few priests of the Coronal of Arvandor actually serve as rulers or councilors, many work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of government
Jasper Lotner - The Great Hunter - 1672

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