Cyric in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Epithets: The Dark Sun
The Lord of Night
The King of the White Crown
Prince of Lies
Queenslayer   Tenets: Break not into open rebellion, for when hosts march, all faiths and gods awaken. It is better by far to fell one foe at a time and keep all folk afraid, uneasy, in constant strife—and under the spreading tyranny of Cyric.
Fear and obey those in authority—but if they are weak or given to pursuing airy goals of vague goodness, slay them in the name of the Dark Sun.
Never leave a foe or prey unmarked, all must know they are never out of the Lord of Night’s reach.   Domains: Death, Trickery, Twilight

If you are trained in religion, you may know the following.
Cyric is the monomaniacal deity of strife and lies. He is closely associated with murder, conflict, lies, intrigue, and illusions. Cyric holds himself above all other deities. The Lord of Lies enjoys tricking and misleading both well-meaning and corrupt individuals and then revealing his deceit when they have made some fatal mistake in judgement or taken a personally devastating course of action that will ruin their lives. His favorite libation is the tears of disillusioned dreamers and broken-hearted lovers, which he drinks from a silver chalice encrusted with tiny rubies in the shape of sundered hearts.

He has an immense following—the unholy radiance of the Dark Sun draws power-hungry mortals like moths to a flame and then inexorably consumes them. Cyric's faith attracts power, and it remains strong in any area where evil is planned and beings seek to impose their will on others. Cyric's most devoted followers are young evil men and women seeking to make their way in an uncertain world and gathering as much power as possible for themselves. He also attracts the worship of almost all who pursue assassination for a living.

Clerics of the Dark Sun pledge to spread strife and work murder everywhere in order to make people fear and believe in Cyric. They support rulers with a taste for cruelty and empire-building, but indulge in intrigue in every land. They avoid plunging realms into widespread war, which would pay honor only to Kord or Gruumsh—at least, this is the ideal Cyricists pay lip service to. In truth, Cyricists spend most of their time scheming against one another, each striving to strengthen his or her personal power in an endless struggle of cabal against cabal. To make matters worse, during his madness Cyric spoke often to his faithful clergy, but not with one voice. As they all fear him, and each believes what he says is the One True Way, his words set Cyricist temples at cross purposes. His clerics are at one another's throats as often as they are promoting the defeat of other religions. 
Balin Roneir - The Smiling Man… (Full title of the work is too long to display) - 1689

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