Ioun in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Neutral

Epithets: The Knowing Mistress
Mother of Invention
The Spark of Ingenuity
The Scarred God

Tenets: Seek the perfection of your mind by bringing reason, perception, and emotion into balance with one another.
Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish lairs.
Accumulate, preserve, and distribute knowledge in all forms.

Domains: Arcana, Forge, Knowledge

Ioun is a cheerful and wise power whose ability to persuade others to her point of view is put to endless use. She can be solemn and righteous, but she is more often quietly humorous and quick to smile. Her one flaw may be her fondness for her own thoughts; she tends to implement rather convoluted plots that she has worked out first in her own mind rather than to take direct action.

Priests of Ioun have traditionally been of two sorts: those who remain within the temples, monasteries, and abbeys, spending their lives in analysis, reading gathered tomes, and copying out texts and spells as requested and those who go out into the world to find the writings that fill the abbey libraries. There have always been conflicts between the overly fussy pedants among the cloistered and those who chafe under the petty rules and infighting they encounter within abbey walls and prefer to face the real world as one of the wayfaring. Most abbeys of Ioun support themselves by selling maps, scribework, and spell scrolls.
Durjal Caercrath - Mentor - 1634

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