Kord in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Epithets: The Stormlord
The Brawler
The Lord of War

Tenets: Bravery above all. There is no glory in cowardice.
Strength is the path to greatness, but greatness is the responsible use of strength.
Honor the Stormlord by proving your might in battle.

Domains: Forge, Tempest, War

Kord, also known as the Axefather, is the god of war. His dogma is primarily concerned with honorable battle, forbidding cowardice and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle disputes. He may be on an army's side on one day, and against them the next; such is the nature of war. Kord is prayed to the most of all on the night before battles and regularly venerated by all warriors, regardless of their alignment. As a result, he is a strong, exuberant, and robust god - a warrior's God. Kord sometimes appears at huge battles an important combats - and on rare occasions to individuals who are in a position to cause great strife by the decisions.

Although mighty and profoundly honourable in battle, Kord answers to his own warriors code. His is quiet and solitary in relationships to other deities, pursuing no long-lasting alliances or brief flirtations. He is known to love food, drink, and the hunt, though he loves battle best.

It is said that within all battles there is a struggle within each soldier between the influence of Gruumsh and Kord. While there have only been a handful of documented cases of a warrior truly falling under their sway in battle, there are hundreds of times it is said that their hands were there to guide the fight. When an army give in to the frenzy and sacks and razes a city to the ground it is said that they had succumb to Gruumsh’s corruptive rage. When a soldier becomes so focused on the fight, the world falls away from them that none of their comrades or companions words can reach them, Kord has afflicted them with battle-blindness. Neither are viewed as beneficial except by worshippers of that god, but people are quick to blame One-Eye for the destruction wrought from a war.
Satrin - Him Who Breaks the Sky - 1587

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