Lakal in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Neutral Good

Epithets: The Waterbearer
The Great Healer
The Lady of Calm Waters
She Who Tips the Scales

Tenets: Offer mercy and succor to all, especially those that do not deserve it for it is those actions that may lead another towards the path of peace.
Always look for the path that will lead to the least harm, but never shy away from the need to defend yourself or those who require protection.
Look for the good in others and act in ways that encourage goodness and kindness in those around you, but be aware of those that seek to wield your ways against you.

Domains: Life, Peace, Twilight

Lakal is a pacifist who avoids hostile action, even when threatened. Although she is quiet and enigmatic, The Waterbearer is possessed of a resolve that can never be broken. She meets challenges by strategically withdrawing and biding her time while leading opponents into overextending into untenable positions. She uses her wisdom to guide those seeking to harm others to realize the folly of their actions. While many of her followers spend their lives in contemplation and helping others, there are a small number that are known to take more direct action instead of waiting for those in need to come to them. The most skilled on these clerics attempt to use defensive spells to defeat an enemy through misdirection and manipulation.
Adys Xullora - Our Arbiter - 1666

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