Lolth in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Epithets: The Queen of Darkness
The Mistress of Lies
The Weaver
The Lady of Chaos
  Tenets: It is better to be loved than feared, but you may certainly try to be both.
Misdirection, slander, and shadowed steps have more function than direct conflict.
Death to the elves who live under the sun and death to all their allies.
  Domain: Knowledge, Trickery Twilight   If you are trained in religion or were raised in elven culture, you may know the following.
There is dispute to The Weaver’s origins. Her worshippers claim she is a goddess that was banished to the Abyss by Corellon for attempting to take his place as the highest of the elven gods. Her detractors on the other hand say she was a demon lord that sought to work her way into the elven pantheon, but failed. It is said those that were deceived into following her were changed and cursed to be despised by the light. She leads a group of deities that have been associated with the drow cults that still grip much of their society.   In the deepest places of the world, her followers fled from the light and nurtured grudges and schemes against their surface-dwelling brethren. The Queen of Darkness urged them to fight against each other and to prove who among them is the strongest through manipulation, trickery, and power. At one time it was thought that all drow were loyal servants of Lolth since most of those that would venture to the surface had nefarious purposes and spoke in ways that implied all of their society and culture was meant to glorify The Spider Queen. It was eventually discovered that although much of the known drow cities were governed by fanatics, they had essentially enslaved any that were not as devoted to the demon lord. Now the majority of enclaves that used to solely belong to the drow have broken away from the cult that used to control them and have become more inclusive and less isolated.   Lolth’s goals beyond the destruction of elves that do not worship her are hidden behind schemes within schemes. Most of the gods that serve alongside or under Lolth are not well regarded by those that used to be held under the cults’ thumb, but aspects of them still have words whispered to them in the dark. Many of the gods are considered evil by most standards, but cultural they occupy a place of duality. Ghaunadaur is a god of things that hunt in the subterranean darkness, but also rebels, exiles, and outcasts thus when the time came to throw off the shackles of the fanatical leadership they looked to the Slimelord and Vhaeraun for guidance, despite Vhaeraun also encouraging arrogance, thievery, and violence against surface dwellers. Selvetarm revels in bloodshed, but also encourages martial skill and loyalty. Zinzerena taught the drow to survive their harsh environments and how to use the world around them to their advantage, but she is also a goddess of lies and illusions that uses these skills to undermine Lolth’s enemies. Their former worshippers seek to justify and adapt the gods they were forced to revere and their place in their culture to drow societies new relationship with the rest of the world. 
Adys Xullora - Mistress of the Strings - 1683

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