Pelor in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Neutral Good

Epithets: The Dawnfather
He Who Lights the Way

Tenets: Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the path.
Help relieve the suffering of the innocent.
Deliver the light wherever darkness might dwell, and do so with kindness, mercy, and compassion.

Domain: Life, Light, Peace

Pelor is known as a deity wholly devoted to the cause of Good and is indifferent to the quarrels between Law and Chaos, as long as Good prevails in the end. While some sects regard Pelor as the sun itself, generally he is not the personification of the sun, but the being that guides it’s energy and blessings to where it is needed. Pelor is also known as a god of strength, but not in purely a physical sense, but in strength of life, will, and character.

Pelor is primarily known as a healing deity that is always willing to give a second chance. His temples often serve as hospitals and safe places for those seeking shelter. But even his mercy has it’s limits towards those that harm others repeatedly or with evil intent. While he orders his followers to offer mercy and forgiveness to all, they are defend themselves and others against the forces of darkness. They must also bring the light into those darkened places to offer his mercy and to burn away any trace of evil that does not accept redemption.
Kluxas Rathgirr - The First Light - 1588

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