Sune in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment:  Chaotic Good
  Epithets:  The Goddess of Beauty and Love
The Princess of Passion
Lady Firehair
Lady Love
The Lady of Light
  Tenets:  Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one’s being and reveals one’s true face to the world, fair or foul.
Encourage beauty wherever you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and protect those who create them.
True love can be found in romance, friendship, and other affections.  Never discourage others from seeking out love in all it's forms.
  Domains:  Light, Peace, and Trickery

Fairest of the deities, Sune is benevolent and sometimes whimsical. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. She alternates between deep passions and casual flirtations and has been romantically tied to many of the other deities. Sune enjoys attention and sincere flattery, and avoids anyone who is horrific or boorish. Lady Firehair loves and protects her followers, who in turn manifest and protect the beauty of the world. Sune's glory can be seen in the red arches across the sky and in the last light of each day.  

Aside from those who despise love and beauty as a manifestation of weakness, the church of Sune is widely loved throughout the world and has many adherents to its teachings. However, as most Sunites are seen as flighty, vain, and superficial but basically harmless, the church of Sune has less influence than its prominence might otherwise suggest.  

Sunite temples are either stunningly beautiful edifices of fantastic design or classically elegant structures strategically enhanced by sculptured landscaping constructed with numerous picturesque paths and promenades and surprising and enchanting nooks in which to share moments of love, beauty, and passion. Many Sunite temples sport formal gardens with gorgeous flower beds, trellises and bowers of well-trained vines, and carefully pruned trees and topiaries. Fine sculptures and sumptuous fountains that play with soft, magical lighting provide focal points in most Sunite temple gardens.  Her temples usually held social salons and displayed mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even had public baths for the local populace.  Her shrines often stood on the corner of busy city streets. They would have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They were used to check one's appearance while honoring Sune with prayer. Some shrines even held perfume and cosmetic items for those who could not afford such luxuries themselves.
Adys Xullora - Red - 1679

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