Tharizdun in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Epithets: The Chained Oblivion
The Mad God
The Worldbreaker
The Great Destroyer
Harbinger of the Last Days

Tenets: Destroy that which has outlived its usefulness.
Offer light and life to it’s all-consuming maw so that it may surpass all divinities and be freed.
Ruin and raze the realms to hasten the arrival of the epoch of ends.

Domain: Arcana, Tempest, War

If you are trained in religion, you may know the following.
It is darkness unending, less like a god and more like another world. Life and death do not exist to the Chained Oblivion, an engine of utter destruction and madness. Even the other Betrayer Gods treat this mad god with caution. In its endless imprisonment, it dreams the infinite depths of the Abyss into reality, along with all its demonic legions.

Now its chaotic mind has fallen into more frightful dreams, imagining nightmarish aberrations into existence deep beneath the world. The Chained Oblivion's demented cultist work without word from their twisted patron, awaiting the Epoch of Ends when its freedom will be attained, and all beings shall be consumed in deathlessness unending.

Few attempts at depicting the image of the Chained Oblivion exist, and the existing texts speak of a creature rolling, hungry ink and darkness; of a spreading cloud of lightless destruction born from a thousand ravenous mouths. Current references contain the nightmare with chains of black and gold, barely keeping the dark at bay. 
Unknown - Unknown (Mural was found painted on the wall of an abandoned watchtower) - Found in 1657

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