Tiamat in The Scepter of Gaal | World Anvil
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Alignment: Lawful Evil

Epithets: The Scaled Tyrant
The Mother of Monsters
The Queen of Five Crowns
The Insatiable One

Tenets: Amass wealth, but spend little. The god and the power that comes with it is sufficient reward in itself.
Do not forgive nor forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy of it.

Domain: Forge, Order, Trickery

If you are trained in religion or come from a draconic culture, you may know the following.
The five-headed progenitor of chromatic dragons, Tiamat embodies the vices of evil dragons. Since the destruction of the First World, she has dwelled in the Nine Hells—some say by choice. But others claim that she is imprisoned there to punish her for the evils she perpetrated when the gods sought to colonize the First World with their followers.

Mortals who hunger for power and wealth often swear fealty to Tiamat in pursuit of those goals. Many of her followers have attempted to break her out of Avernus—and failed—but even while she remains in the Nine Hells, Tiamat can send her aspect to manifest in the Material Plane. A follower with enough power and anger, and with a hoard worthy of ancient dragons, can sacrifice it all to unleash the wrath of the dragon queen on a world.

The aspect of Tiamat has the body of a titanic dragon with five heads, each the shape and hue of a different chromatic dragon. Each head might speak separately and have different mannerisms, but they are all Tiamat. 
Grothnir Zulib - Wyrm Mother - 1502

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