Vagari Ethnicity in The Scion's Reach | World Anvil


They can own the land, they can own your home, but they can't own you.
— Anonymous

The Vagari, also known as the People of the Void or simply the Wanderers, are a people of nomads living within the Non-Aligned Nomad Fleets. They are divided into independent clans, with each clan forming its own fleet. The Vagari are completely independent from any other nation, and while they haven't proclaimed themselves as such, are often regarded as a nation of their own.

While the early days of the Vagari were not grandiose in any way, their ships had always been somewhat unique, as they were designed for prolonged travel under limited thrust. Their reliance on deep-space related technologies have made them quite advanced in voidcraft and industrial technologies, giving them an edge against other nations for prospecting and exploiting space resources. They have also grown into natural traders, as is it their main source of income and rare resources.


The Vagari came into existence in the aftermath of the Interstellar War, when the most extremist and discontent factions of the newly-founded Vestan Federation decided to leave and form their own communities. Most would end up forming the independent nations of the Elysian Security Organization, but some persevered and lived on within their deep-space fleets, or planned to from the very beginning.

As a result, most of the Vagari descend from relatively well-off Vestan families that had the means to either board or purchase their own vessels, something that despite the post-war economy, was not easy to accomplish. These people also had to think of long-term solutions for their needs, as living without a planet came with its own set of challenges. While most of the early Vagari eventually settled down on class IV planets, the later generations became more and more invested in voidcraft technologies, some of which eventually found their way into Unity more than a century later.

Estimated population:
23 Millions
Most common language:
Sing. Vagar, Plur. Vagari

Cover image: Mars by The Expanse


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