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Elenora of Ebonsal

Origins in Ebonsal Elenora was born under the shadowed canopies of Ebonsal, a place cloaked in mystique and rich in magical heritage. As a child, Elenora displayed an unusual affinity for the arcane, her abilities manifesting even before she could properly speak. Her parents, both skilled sorcerers, nurtured her talents, knowing she was destined for greatness.   The Guiding Hand As Elenora grew, so did the local power of The Guiding Hand, a regulatory body that oversaw all magical practices in her region. This organization, composed of elder mages, imposed strict controls on magic use, requiring all practitioners to register, adhere to stringent rules, and submit to their oversight. They claimed these measures were necessary to prevent chaos and misuse of power.   Rebellion Against Control Elenora chafed under the restrictive practices enforced by The Guiding Hand. Her belief that magic was a natural right led her to openly oppose the organization’s oppressive policies. Her refusal to register was seen as a defiance that could not be tolerated, making her a target for retribution. Fearing the stifling of her magical potential and personal freedoms, Elenora knew she had to leave.   Whimsy’s Arrival During her teenage years, while exploring the deeper woods of Ebonsal, Elenora found a small, radiant egg, pulsating with magical energy. From this egg hatched Whimsy, a Pixie Dragon, who would become her lifelong companion. Whimsy was more than just a pet; she was a part of Elenora, sharing a deep magical bond that allowed them to communicate telepathically and sense each other’s emotions.   Journey to Giambi Elenora’s conflict with The Guiding Hand reached a breaking point when they attempted to seize her for her defiance. With Whimsy by her side, she fled Ebonsal, crossing vast seas and treacherous landscapes to reach the Giambi Archipelago—a place rumored to be a haven for those seeking freedom from oppression.   New Beginnings In Giambi, Elenora found the freedom she craved. The archipelago, with its minimal governance and diverse magical practices, was the perfect sanctuary. She quickly established herself as a mentor and leader within the community, founding a sanctuary where magic could be studied and practiced freely.   Life in Giambi Now, Elenora spends her days exploring the rich magical landscape of the archipelago, teaching others, and continuing to expand her own formidable powers. Whimsy, ever playful and curious, aids in her magical experiments and serves as her protector.   .


  Size: Small (About the size of a ferret)   Attributes: Agility: d8 Smarts: d6 A Spirit: d8 Strength: d4 Vigor: d6   Skills: Fighting: d6 (For claw and bite attacks) Stealth: d8 (Especially effective when using its invisibility) Pace: 6 (Flying) Parry: 5 Toughness: 3   Special Abilities: Flight: Pixie Dragon can fly, with a flying Pace of 6. Invisibility: Can turn invisible once per day per the invisibility spell (self only) Breath Weapon (Euphoric Gas): Once per day, can exhale a cloud of euphoric gas in a cone template that causes enemies to become Shaken. (Roll vigor save to resist @ -1) Claw and Bite Attack: Attacks with claws or bite dealing Str+d4 damage. Bonded Communication: Can communicate simple concepts telepathically with its bonded companion.   Weaknesses: Small Size: Due to its small size, it has a lower Toughness   Hindrances: Curious: Whimsy is naturally curious, often leading it into trouble. Loyal: Extremely loyal to its bonded companion, sometimes to its own detriment.


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