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Ignatius "Iggy" Bortender

Background: Ignatius Bortender, known affectionately as "Iggy" among his peers, hails from a long line of distinguished magical practitioners within the Toldarian Alliance. Celebrating his 70th birthday, Iggy found himself not in the mood for quiet contemplation but rather for adventure and exploration. With a life already rich in arcane study and a natural curiosity about the world, he decided to leave his familiar surroundings and head towards the newly discovered Giambi Archipelago.   Eager to understand the mysteries this new land promised, Iggy packed his essential tomes, magical implements, and, of course, his ferret companion, Trouble, who has been his constant sidekick through many magical experiments and mishaps. They set sail for Port Randell, a bustling hub in Giambi, known for its blend of danger and opportunity.   Personality: Iggy is wise but possesses a youthful spirit that belies his age. His life as a wizard has taught him the value of patience and the importance of a well-timed spell. He is kind-hearted and has an open-minded approach to the various cultures and creatures he encounters. However, he is no stranger to the darker sides of magic and is prepared to stand firm against any malevolence that threatens the balance of his new surroundings.
Name: Bandit
Type: Familiar (Ferret)
Size: Tiny
Attributes: Agility: d8+2 Smarts: d4 Spirit: d6 Strength: d4 Vigor: d6
Pace: 6 Parry: 2 Toughness: 2

Stealth: d10
Notice: d6/d8 +2

Special Abilities:
Familiar Bond: Linked to Iggy, Bandit provides a 5 Power Points to Iggy
Enhanced Senses: Bandit has keen senses, particularly smell and hearing, giving it a +2 to Notice checks involving these senses.
Agile: Due to its small and nimble body, Bandit has a +2 to all Agility rolls to avoid being hit or to perform acrobatic maneuvers.
Bite: While small, Bandit can bite if necessary. This is a non-damaging move meant to distract or latch onto something, not to harm.

Curious (Major): Bandit is extremely curious and often gets into trouble or wanders off to explore.
Small (Major): As a tiny creature, Bandit has limitations in affecting physical environments and is easier to harm (reflected in its low Toughness).

Alertness: Bandit’s sharp senses give it a +2 bonus to Notice checks.
Loyal: As Iggy’s familiar, Bandit is extraordinarily loyal, never abandoning him even in the face of great danger.


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