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Rowena Brighton

Lady Rowena Brighton

In the shadow of the Kingdom of Axlam's grandeur, where King Edmonton Braxton the Third's rule is law, and noble lineages are chronicled with the reverence of sacred texts, Lady Rowena Brighton's story unfolds—a narrative woven with threads of mystery, defiance, and a yearning for autonomy.   Heritage and Hesitation   Rowena's lineage is as unique as it is complex. Born to Duke Fernard Brighton and his Elvish consort, Duchess Fandora, Rowena is a living bridge between two worlds. Her elven heritage, marked by her mother's ethereal beauty and an innate connection to the natural world, imbues Rowena with grace and an otherworldly charm that sets her apart from her peers. Yet, it is this very distinction that Rowena guards with a zealous secrecy, fearful that the truth of her lineage might attract unwelcome attention from her father's realm—attention that could threaten her newfound freedom.   A Spirited Departure   The constraints of noble life in Axlam, with its rigid expectations and predetermined roles, chafed against Rowena's spirited nature. Her passions were not to be found in the delicate art of courtly etiquette but in the thrill of the hunt, the mastery of archery, and the discipline of swordplay. Skills she honed in secret, under the guise of moonlit shadows, far from prying eyes that would seek to quell her unconventional pursuits.   The Duke's decision to betroth Rowena without her consent was the final affront to her autonomy. It spurred her to action, to flee the only home she had ever known in search of a place where she could define her own destiny, free from the expectations of her birthright.   A New Horizon in Giambi   It was to the Archipelago of Giambi that Rowena set her sights, a land whispered to be as untamed and free as the spirit that guided her there. Here, amidst the vastness of the sea and the enigmatic promise of undiscovered lands, Rowena seeks to carve out a space for herself. She traverses the islands with cautious anonymity, her half-elvish heritage cloaked beneath layers of guarded reticence. Rowena remains vigilant, ever wary of the day her past might catch up to her, yet determined to face it on her terms.   In Giambi, Rowena's story is one of continuous unfolding, a journey of self-discovery that defies the conventions of her upbringing. As she navigates the complexities of this new world, her tale becomes entwined with those of fellow adventurers, each carrying their own secrets and dreams. Together, they forge a narrative of resilience, of bonds formed in the crucible of shared challenges, and of the unbreakable spirit of those who dare to chart their own course.

Third daughter to the Duke of Delphor

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
100 lbs


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