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System setting and introduction to Giambi.

The world of Giambi uses The Savage Worlds Adventure System with both the core rules and the Fantasy Compainion as the the primary references. There are also elements from 50 Fathoms and the Horror Companion sprinkled in where appropreate. Most characters will know something about sea travel if only that it is the next big thing and way to stike it ritch.    The world politics and geopolitical outlook are similar to that of the period of global expansion with magic and fantasy thrown in for good measure. That being said Magic is scarce and magic items even more-so. There are brotherhoods of wizards that have decided that it would be a good idea to gate keep who gets what powers (for their own safety of course) and if you are born with magical abilities and the wrong group finds out you might just be taken as a guinea pig at best.


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