Eliander Fireborn Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Eliander Fireborn (eli-ander fire-born)

Eliander (LN male human gladiator) fought in the royal army of Keoland, where he earned a name driving the wild things of the Dreadwood away from the settled lands. Eliander suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in a battle against an owlbear and now walks upon a finely carved wooden peg. Despite his injury and advancing age, the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town guard remains an imposing figure. Eliander is a local celebrity thanks to his facility with languages, and he is often called upon by the town’s various organizations to assist with translations.   In a crisis, Eliander Fireborn might put the good of the crown above local rule. He possesses a royal writ that allows him to seize authority over the town guard in case of an emergency. He is loath to use it, as the locals might react to his seizure of power with an open revolt.
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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