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Onyx, the enigmatic and alluring gemstone, holds a mysterious place in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Revered for its connection to the realm of shadows and darkness, Onyx is a potent conduit for shadow magic, weaving its arcane mysteries into the tapestry of the world.

The Realm of Shadows

Within the heart of Onyx resides a profound connection to the realm of shadows. The gemstone draws power from the mysterious plane of darkness, allowing spellcasters and wielders to harness its shadowy energies for various arcane purposes.
  Veil of Darkness: Onyx serves as a catalyst for concealing and obscuring, casting an aura of shadows that cloaks the wielder from prying eyes. The gem grants the power to create areas of dim light or even complete darkness, shrouding the surroundings in an impenetrable veil.
  Embrace of Shadow Magic: Those attuned to the secrets of shadow magic can use Onyx as a potent focus for their spells. It enhances illusions, creates shadowy illusions, and even allows for the manipulation of shadows to deceive and misdirect foes.


Onyx's value transcends its monetary worth, as its magical properties make it highly sought after by those who delve into the arcane arts. On the market, a polished Onyx gemstone is typically priced at around 10 gp. The value may fluctuate based on the size, quality, and the demand for shadow magic.

Acquisition and Significance

Onyx is a prized gemstone among those who seek to delve into the mysteries of shadow magic and illusion. Wizards, sorcerers, and rogues often seek Onyx to fashion amulets, rings, and trinkets that amplify their connection to the shadows.

Legends and Folklore

In ancient lore, Onyx is believed to be a gift from shadowy entities that reside in the plane of darkness. Legends speak of a legendary rogue who wielded an Onyx dagger that allowed them to slip undetected through even the most guarded strongholds, demonstrating the gemstone's potent connection to shadows.

Uses in Shadow Manipulation

Those well-versed in the art of shadow manipulation recognize the unique properties of Onyx and employ it as a core material in crafting shadow-themed magical items. Onyx is also used to fashion illusions and deceive foes, allowing skilled illusionists to create astonishing feats of misdirection and trickery.

Cautionary Notes

While Onyx offers great power, it must be used with caution. Uncontrolled manipulation of shadows can lead to unintended consequences, and delving too deep into the realm of darkness can risk losing oneself to its allure.

Enigmatic Portal to the Shadows

For those who seek the enigmatic realm of shadows and the potent magic it holds, Onyx serves as a captivating portal to the world of darkness. The gemstone reminds all who wield it of the intricate dance between light and shadow, and the boundless power that lies within the realm of darkness.


Onyx's allure and its connection to the shadows make it a prized gemstone among those who delve into the arcane arts of shadow magic and illusion. As a conduit for the secrets of the shadow plane, Onyx continues to inspire wonder and fascination for those who seek to harness the mystical power of darkness.

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