Scarlet Brotherhood Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Scarlet Brotherhood

The Scarlet Brotherhood claims that the bloodline of its followers traces back to an ancient empire, the Suel Imperium, and their goal is to restore the old Suloise noble houses to prominence in the world. As scions of a realm that once enjoyed unmatched arcane power and a vast dominion, its members see themselves as superior to all other folk and the only ones fit to rule.
  For decades, this group has been concocting a conspiracy to spread fear, chaos, and uncertainty across the land. When the time is right, the Brotherhood will strike to seize the reins in kingdoms all across the world. Already its assassins have slain those who might oppose their sinister plans. In almost every court in the land, from the most remote backwater barony to the imperial courts of world powers, the Brotherhood’s agents have quietly assumed positions of influence.
  In Saltmarsh, the Brotherhood supports councilman Anders Solmor and his family’s trade cartel. They hope to use Anders to destabilize the region, weaken the crown, and clear the way for the Scarlet Brotherhood to seize control. The Brotherhood arranges for the Solmor ships to meet with eager merchants in distant ports who pay well above market value for his goods, ensuring his popularity and dependence on Brotherhood contacts. The Brotherhood plans to surround him with their advisers and functionaries to ensure that Saltmarsh develops under their control. They intend to ignite open war between Keoland and the Sea Princes, leaving both realms battered and weakened while the Brotherhood moves in.
  Unlike the other factions in Saltmarsh, there is no good side to the Scarlet Brotherhood. As unrepentant megalomaniacs, they are villains through and through.


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