Crown King Redoran Character in The Seal | World Anvil
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Crown King Redoran (red or ran)

Crown King Redoran "the puppet king" of Clan Ardensteed is the current King of Donsteed, he was born in Anglesteed but spent most of his life in Helden, this was to such an extent that when at 27 years old he was made Crown King of Donsteed after the Kivox War he had only lived in Donsteed for a grand total of 5 years. It is believed that is the reson that the Eternal Crown apointed him Crown King after the sacking of Anglesteed and the execution of King Renheart. He may have been 14th in line to the throne but he had strong pro Union feelings and as such was the perfect candidate to be moulded into a puppet off the Crown. As such it is said by the people of Donsteed that it is not the King who holds the power in the land but his Shieldbearer, an Elf by the name of Elvineal.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Crown King of Donsteed, Marshal of the Steedsmen.


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