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Danborn, the jewled heart of Dwarvendom in The Seal, the tri mountain Kingdom of Danborn are three great conected dwarven kingdoms joining the great mountains Danlor, Denbar and the volcano Danborn under the Dans mountain range.


When Dwarven rulers die, there children compete for the crown, a contest is heald, each break a stone untill one is standing, that one is crowned, if they are the same gender as the previous ruler they adopt there name, for example if the son of King Rorik V won the contest then he would become King Rorik VI, if they are a diffrent gender then the previous ruler then there name becomes the royal name and it will be passed down as long as there gender prevailes in the contest, for example if Roriks daughter Thelvar wins the constest then she would become Queen Thelvar I.

the current ruler of Danborn King Rorik Fireforge V

Dwarves end convosations with the phrase "Rock and Stone" it is a part of the oath that dwarves make when they come of age "Rock and Stone, Mountain Bone, I will guard, the Obsidian Throne". Thus when Dwarves end a convosation with "rock and stone" they are declaring that there words are bound by the same power as there oath.



In Dwarven Mythos the fires of Danborn were used by the life godess lin to create life, we take from this translation from the Book of Rock and Stone "and so Elden wished for people to serve the Drakes that guard The Seal so Lindar the life smith pulled from the bones of Lockden a great forge, red and flaming, the "Danborn" she gathered materials, wood of the trees for the elves, the mud of the earth for Humans, grass of the hills for the Halflings, stone of earth for Gnomes and rock of the deep for the Dwarves. Next to her fellow gods she went requesting esances of there power to imbune the living with, finally to the forge she broght them and forged each the Elves first, Humans second and down the line till she reached the Dwarves, imbuning each with some of the esances of each god, although not in equal amounts, for she resoned those diffrences would make the act of living worthwhile as they guard The Seal. Lindar intended to destroy the forge from which life was crafted, but no sooner then she had breathed life into her creations then Mordek gripped them with death, Lindar rushed away to stop him telling Thorgar, the first lord of the Dwarves, to guard the forge in her absance, and now as the fight between life and death rages on the ansestors of Thorgar still guard the firey heart"


In the Mythic age the Dwarves looked inwards, mining into the Dans creating great kingdom of Dulalin (golden palace in Dwarvish) harnessing the Fireforge to create great works of art, as the age wore on they began to look outwards, making to trade with the surface people, Humans traded corn for steal and at first the elves were also friendly, but this co-operation did not last, and soon the Elves created a great empire Eldenkros and made to concour The Seal, from the east they marched and overan The Seal, concouring the land around Danborn. The elves had no intrest in what was bellow they knew not of the forge. As the age ended and Humanity united forming the Kingdom of Namadarine the Dwarves locked the gates of Dulalin and stayed inside.

In the First Age the Dwarves wared with the elves. Although it began with them trapped beneath ground with the elves paying them no mind, but as the elven slavers inspected the captured humans they found them to possess weapons of an arcane nature, in an age before magic was accessible across The Seal magic flowed in the forge of Lindar and the elves wanted to control its power. The legions of Eldenkros laid siege to the gate of Dulalin and the dwarves resisted for thousands of years before enacting a plan so cunning is is marvel at to this day. Lady Hengar ordered that all the riches of the kingdoms should be taken down and melted to the boiling point, then for the people of the kingdom, save a willing skeleton crew, to take cover in the upper chamber and to seal themselves there for three days. The remaining Dwarves then threw open the great gates and retreated deep into the mine, followed by the Legion and when they were all in the deep, gold was poured over the chasm and the Legion was locked bellow... Down in the deep, dark powers worked away at them, the Begotten Lady corrupted the elves into a foul being, dark Orks who burrowed there way to the surface and became a plague on the world. For the rest of the age Danborn fought alongside Namadarine against Eldenkros, when magic was brought to the world in the closing years of the Age Dwarves were the first to experiment with imbuing runes with magic. As the age came to a close many dwarves left Dulalin hearing the promise of a new tower of magic to harness for themselves, and as The Seal was cracked Dulalin held strong.

the east gate of Danborn 1A 7435

In the Second Age the great rupture occurred within dwarven society, different factions within the court blamed others for the cracking of The Seal and when the crisis of mortality shook the continent Dulalin was left without a rightful heir to the throne. There was a split and the 7 highest members of the court began to war amongst each other, eventually clans Ironbeard, Hammer heart and Fireforge made an oath to fight together and rule together and with there combined might visored against the other lords. The remaining lords left and spread across The Seal. They would all be involved in the many wars of rising and falling kingdoms, it was at this time that the race would diversify, some dwarves who made a home above ground mining into the hillside became the Hill Dwarves and those who found a life on the sea became the Sea Dwarves. Around 2A 5000 one group who broke off from the Deep-Iron clan, calling themselves the Hill-Hammer clan was chased out of Helden. They returned to Dulalin, no longer interested in mining into the mountain they made a home around the foothills of the Dans. The three Clans who now ruled Dulalin each from a throne beneath the three great mountains marched armys on the Hill-Hammer clan but it did not come to war. Lord Throki appealed to the others stating that his people would keep the surrounding areas under Dwarven control, fighting off orcs and elves who would threaten Dwarvendom. When The Queen of Night rose the Lords of Dulalin agreed to come under her yoke on the condition that she would not medal with the affairs of the mine. She agreed however did go back on her word once her power was absolute.

dwarves of the oathbound coalition make there final assault against the felhammer legion 2A 137

In the third age the reconstruction of the Crown Dominion into the Crown Union made Lady Melda Fireforge the first queen of the kingdom now appointed Danborn, although dwarves would still refer to it as Dulalin by the end of the third age that name was lost from all memory. The rest of the age was uneventful especially for the Dwarves who had little business in the affairs of the Union, they turned inwards to there mines and perfected there craft, the runesmiths were unparalleled, the forges immense. Sometimes the dwarven lords outside of Danborn fought against each ohter but Danborn rarely got involved. This laissez faire attitude did not extend to the War of Death when Danborn was called upon to fight the Lord of Death.

King Rorik Fireforge III marching his armys to Helden in 3A 1944

In the forth age the Dwarves got messed up in a succession war with Idria. A army from Idria underestimated the Dwarves pride in their homeland as tried to use the Dwemadar pass as a shortcut to Helden. The dwarves of the mountain saw this as an act of war and fought back but this only lead to a full blown Idrian invasion. So it was that the horn of Dulain was blown and the now 12 Dwarven Lords marched home to Danborn to drive off the invaders in what was called the great return. A side effect of hte great return was the many new dwarven city's that were built around Danborn as both hill and Sea dwarves found a new home their. Even the human settlements that traded with the kingdom were now filled with dwarves. During the Kivox disaster at the end of the Forth Age Danborn supplied soldiers to the Union Legion that would end up being sent too late.

a sea dwarf longship assaulting Holstien in 4A 79

In the war of Kivox King Rorik V the king of Danborn declared there independence and made to fight alongside the armys of the Kivox Alliance, but were beaten into submission by the legions of the Union who's role was once to protect them. They surrendered and King Rorik Fireforge's authority within the Union Council was greatly diminished. Today Danborn is divided people. Some took the kivox war as a sign that independance is not for them but most still wish for there freedom and await the time to strike again. But no matter your side of the schism all are bitter with the Kivox Alliance for abandoning them in there time of need.

King Rorik Fireforge V leading his army in the battle of Delvon 5A 3


  • The Kingdom of Danborn
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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